We are very pleased to introduce Charles Huppé, our new Site Manager, who took over at Millet Plastique Canada on February 3rd 2020.
Matter matters

COVID-19 Crisis
At Millet Plastique Canada the safety and well-being of our employees and customers are our top focus. Currently we are putting all our efforts into the continuity of our business while keeping safety as our number one priority.

SQF Certification
Since January 2020 Millet Plastique Canada is registered by BNQ as meeting the requirements of SQF code level II, a HACCP based supplier assurance code for the food industry as manufacturer of food packaging.

Millet Plastics Group at the CFIA in Rennes
Millet Plastics Group will be present at the CFIA in Rennes, aka the Food Industry Suppliers Trade Show, booth H38, Hall 10.

Millet Plastics Group at the MIDEST in Lyon
Millet Plastics Group will be present at the MIDEST in Lyon, the global show for all industrial subcontracting know-how. The event will take place from March 5-8, 2019; come meet the Millet team at the 6K156 booth and start the co-creation process.

Millet Plastics Group to Conquer the Canadian Market
This text was published by Le Progrès on January 24, 2018. JURA Pratz: Millet Plastics Group à la conquête du marché canadien Après une première implantation en 2001 aux États-Unis, le plasturgiste a choisi de poursuivre sa conquête nord-américaine… au Canada. Et c’est à Granby, au Québec, que Groupe Millet Plastics devrait ouvrir une usine d’ici […]

MEDIA REVIEW Millet Plastics Group invests $15 million investment in Granby
Marie-France L’étourneau‘s article published in La Voix de l’Est Original French Content Le Groupe Millet Plastics s’enracine à Granby. L’entreprise française investira 15 millions $ pour construire une usine dans le nouveau secteur du parc industriel. Une vingtaine d’emplois sera créée pour débuter, a annoncé le président de la nouvelle filiale canadienne, Dominique Millet. La nouvelle, […]

Millet Plastique Canada Launches its Website
It is with great pleasure that Millet Plastique Canada finally launches the website for its Granby plant; a creation of the Esprits Libres design team. The website showcases our Canadian expertise, as supported by the Millet Plastics Group, a French company that has been operating for more than 60 years, and is recognized for its […]

Millet Plastique Canada Will Attend the CTAQ Conference
For the first time, Millet Plastique Canada will attend the CTAQ conference from March 22 to 24, 2019, in Quebec City.

Millet Plastics Group will be present at the ALL FOR PACK event at Paris
Millet Plastics Group had to be present at the international meeting of packaging and intralogistics, the ALL FOR PACK of Paris. From November 26th to 29th, 2018, the Millet team will be waiting for you to activate the c-creation at stand 7 E 117.